
Late sowing Learn more about Late sowing

  • Garlic farmers should know: when is the most appropriate time to sow garlic? There are differences in different planting time in different regions.

    Garlic farmers should know: when is the most appropriate time to sow garlic? There are differences in different planting time in different regions.

    The demand for garlic increased in 2017 compared with previous years, alleviating the situation of overproduction. It is estimated that the total demand for garlic in 2017 will be about 7.2 million tons. If there are no major natural disasters, the market price of garlic in the 2017 garlic season will be within the range of 4-6 yuan / kg. But

    2020-11-09 Garlic farmers notice when sowing garlic the most suitable the region
  • Catch eight points when sowing late stubble wheat with high yield

    Catch eight points when sowing late stubble wheat with high yield

    In general, the accumulated temperature before the late crop Ophiopogon japonicus is less, fewer roots, fewer leaves, fewer tillers, small seedlings and weak seedlings, but the development process is fast in spring. In order to ensure the high and stable yield of late stubble wheat, we must adhere to the comprehensive cultivation techniques focusing on increasing fertilizer application, selecting improved wheat varieties suitable for late sowing and early maturing, and increasing sowing amount. Focus on the following eight points: first, early stubble removal: early stubble, early soil preparation and early sowing should be achieved without affecting the yield of autumn crops, so as to speed up the sowing progress and reduce the loss of accumulated temperature. For

  • Skillful in planting late sowing wheat with high yield

    Skillful in planting late sowing wheat with high yield

    Compared with suitable sowing wheat, late sowing wheat consumes relatively less fertilizer, but because late sowing wheat generally consumes more nutrients in the previous crop and reduces available nutrients in the soil, coupled with late sowing, the early seedlings are small and weak, so it is not suitable for water and fertilizer management.

    2020-11-08 Planting late sowing wheat high yield have skills to fertilizer late and
  • There are techniques for late sowing wheat to create high yield.

    There are techniques for late sowing wheat to create high yield.

    Due to the late sowing time of late sowing wheat (wheat sown after mid-October, generally known as late sowing wheat), it is difficult to achieve complete, strong and uniform seedlings, so it is not easy to obtain high yield. But if properly managed, high production is also possible. The main results are as follows: (1) it takes 10 to 15 days for late sowing wheat with sufficient basic fertilizer from sowing to emergence, which shortens the growth time before winter and weakens the growth time of wheat seedlings in the soil. Late sowing wheat must apply sufficient base fertilizer, 3500 kg of high quality soil fertilizer, 40 kg of ammonium sulfate, 50 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potash fertilizer per mu.

  • Planting wheat and grasping spring tube according to the characteristics of late sowing wheat

    Planting wheat and grasping spring tube according to the characteristics of late sowing wheat

    Every year, the sowing time of some wheat fields is too late, and the characteristics of late sowing wheat are as follows: first, the tillering stage is short. Because of late sowing and seedling emergence, there is no tillering stage before winter, and the tillering stage in spring is generally less than 20 days, so there are fewer tillers per plant and fewer tiller roots, resulting in slow growth in spring.

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat according to late sowing characteristics catch spring tube every year there are always
  • Key points of Management of late sowing Summer Maize

    Key points of Management of late sowing Summer Maize

    In recent years, due to the late harvest of previous crops, dry climate, poor sowing quality and other factors, maize seedling emergence is poor, irregular, and the growth is weak. As the saying goes: summer fight for time, autumn fight for time, strengthen corn field management, promote plant growth, and ensure late sowing.

    2020-11-08 Late sowing summer corn management key points in recent years
  • How can leaf mustard be planted with high yield?

    How can leaf mustard be planted with high yield?

    How can leaf mustard be planted with high yield? Please guide that leaf mustard is one of the most abundant and diverse varieties of mustard. Except for a few fresh vegetables, most of them are soaked vegetables. In recent years, with the adjustment of industrial structure in rural areas, the area of planting and processing leaf mustard has gradually increased, but it is necessary to do a good job in the growth of leaf mustard.

  • Vegetable planting schedule

    Vegetable planting schedule

    The planting time of different varieties of vegetables is different, such as the planting time of Dutch bean is from mid-September to December, coriander can be sowed in spring and autumn, spring sowing time is from late March to early April, autumn sowing time is from late August to November; carrots spring sowing time is from late January to early February

    2020-11-08 Vegetables planting schedule Abstracts different products planted vegetables
  • The planting time of Wutan vegetable is different in different areas.

    The planting time of Wutan vegetable is different in different areas.

    If planted in North China, direct sowing can be carried out from early May to early June, from mid-late August to early September, or from early September to early September, and transplanted to sunny beds in late October; if planted in cold areas in the north, every

    2020-11-08 Wutang vegetables planting time different regions sowing there are differences
  • 1 minute to read what time to grow and what vegetables to grow.

    1 minute to read what time to grow and what vegetables to grow.

    Some vegetable planting schedules in southern China, sowing time, sowing time, harvest time, corn fruits, spring and summer sowing, 60-90 days after sowing, harvest corn spring in the field.

  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of summer rice with late sowing and short growth period

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of summer rice with late sowing and short growth period

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of summer rice with late sowing and short growth period

  • Ripening time of spring corn

    Ripening time of spring corn

    Spring corn usually ripens in late August. However, due to different climates, the maturity time will be different. For example, the northeast region generally matures from early October to late October, the southern region generally matures in early July, and Hunan generally matures in the first and middle of August.

    2020-11-09 Spring corn ripening time spring general in August late
  • Explanation on the main points of sowing and Seedling raising and seed Collection of Peony

    Explanation on the main points of sowing and Seedling raising and seed Collection of Peony

    What are the main points of sowing and seed collection of peony? The sowing and breeding of tree peony includes timely sowing, seed treatment, whole bed planting, seedling management, seedling transplanting, selection and collection of seed fields. on the whole, the method of cultivation and propagation of tree peony is quite simple. Please take a look at the main points of tree peony sowing, seedling and seed collection arranged in the following article.

  • Skillful management of wheat in late crop

    Skillful management of wheat in late crop

    The soil moisture and fertilizer should be adequate. The late stubble wheat must not rush to sow the soil moisture, under the premise of ensuring the soil moisture, re-apply the base fertilizer, conditional application of high-quality farm manure 3 square per mu; at the same time, according to the yield demand, 2% of the total N, P and K chemical fertilizer invested during the whole growth period and farm manure were mixed and scattered on the surface and into the ground. Select the right variety and increase the sowing quantity. Late stubble wheat is suitable for semi-winter varieties, which can be selected according to local conditions. At the same time, the actual days of late sowing are determined according to the local autumn temperature. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to increase the sowing amount by 0.5 kg per day according to late sowing.

  • When will Jiahua No.1 sow?

    When will Jiahua No.1 sow?

    Jiahua No.1 is a mid-maturing late japonica rice variety. Its rice quality and high yield are also very good, so it is loved by many farmers. So when will Jiahua No. 1 sow? When does Jiahua No. 1 sow Jiahua No. 1 is usually sown in early spring and late summer

    2020-11-08 Jiahua 1 when sow yes medium cooked
  • How to plant the latest peony seeds?

    How to plant the latest peony seeds?

    The fruit of Paeonia lactiflora is peony, and each peony contains 1-7 seeds. When the seeds are ripe, the oysters crack and spread the seeds. Fruit ripening periods vary in different places, such as Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang Province in early September, Heze in Shandong Province in late August, Luoyang in Henan Province in early and mid-August, and Jiangsu in Jiangsu Province.

    2020-11-10 The latest peony seed how planting fruit is actually
  • How to grow cauliflower

    How to grow cauliflower

    Golden cauliflower is rich in nutrition, is a very high-quality forage, can also be used as green manure, as well as edible value and medicinal value. So how to grow golden cauliflower? Let's take a look. The cultivation time is mainly divided into spring cultivation and autumn cultivation, and planting in autumn

    2020-11-08 Golden cauliflower gold cauliflower how grow golden cauliflower
  • Main cultivation techniques of New late Japonica Rice Variety Ning 81

    Main cultivation techniques of New late Japonica Rice Variety Ning 81

    1. Sowing at the right time and transplanting at the right time. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked with soaking seed Ling or "402" solution to cultivate single-cropping late rice. The sowing date was June 5-15, the seed consumption per mu was 2.5-3.0kg, the sowing rate in seedling field was about 30kg per mu, and the seedling age was about 25 days. It was planted late and the sowing date was June 25-30. The amount of seed used per mu is about 3.0kg, the sowing rate of seedling field is 25-30kg per mu, and the seedling age is 25-30 days. For planting or throwing seedlings at night, July 5, left

  • Planting techniques of alfalfa

    Planting techniques of alfalfa

    Planting techniques of alfalfa

  • Cultivation of potato with high ridge and double row

    Cultivation of potato with high ridge and double row

    High-ridge double-row cultivation of potato refers to the planting method of planting wide and narrow rows, cultivating the soil of wide rows to narrow rows, making the narrow rows form soil moisture, and the soil moisture is higher than that of 25cm. The experiment confirmed that the potato cultivated in the ridge has the advantages of early emergence, high proportion of large and medium potatoes and high yield, and the yield of the ridge cultivation is 19.1% higher than that of the flat cultivation. The specific cultivation techniques are as follows: first, fine soil preparation potato is a shallow root crop. Before emergence of seedlings after tuber sowing, the better the root system develops in the soil, and the plant grows after the seedlings are unearthed.
